Sunday, February 19, 2006

yeah.. its been a long time since i updated.. a lot of things happened.. but hu cares..

Do you sometimes feel so all alone,
And wish someone would call you on the phone?
Are there days when you wonder why you are here
And why your heart's so full of fear?

Do you think no one else has felt that way
And that all the others are having a great day?
What you're thinking may be true,
But chances are, others are feeling just like you.

Ask God to undertake for you,
To show you what He has for you do.
There may be someone you should touch,
Someone who needs you very much.

God has a reason for you being here
And He can overcome your fear.
Go to Him, boldly, in Christ's name.
He'll take away your guilt and shame.

He'll lead you into the bright sunshine
And show to you His will divine.
Just follow Him with what you know.
He'll teach you more and with you go.

You can know He's with you every day,
Leading and guiding you along life's way;
Giving you peace and joy within,
Forgiving and cleansing you from your sin.

So, don't give up and don't despair.
God will go with you everywhere.
Christ understands the way you feel.
His fellowship and love are real.

There are times when the only solution
Is to let go of the past and start anew
To let go of all the old dreams, the ways of before
Sometimes that’s the only thing you can do

One must let go of the hurt and pain
And bury the memories away
Put and leave them in the past
And start to build on a brand new way

One must let go of people and situations
And what "could have been"
One must let go of mistakes
And begin fresh, all over again

When the past holds you back
Haunting your present, overshadowing
Not allowing you to grow and flourish
Then it’s time to let go of everything

It’s not always easy to start afresh
But neither is it easy to live in the past
Today and tomorrow is ours to live
Step by step you can build a new life to last

It serves no purpose to hold on to
Something that gives you no room
To grow, to flowerTo bring your life to bloom
There are times when the only solution
Is to not look back as you walk away
To burn your bridges of yesterday
And start a new life today/

When we're tested and tried,
It makes us so sad.
That makes our faith waver
And we feel so bad!

Jesus knows allThat happens to us.
He takes it to God,And raises a fuss!
He says, "Father, this is my child,
I don't want him to be sad.
Please take care of himAnd help him feel glad.

"Then God intervenesAnd changes the way.
Things that have bothered us,
Grow dimmer each day!
Then we realizeGod is on our side!
When bad things happen,
His arms open wide.
We are then invited.
To trust in His love.
He will take care of us.
Till we meet Him above!


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